How Much Does Cremation Cost – Prices

Ballpark Estimate: $700 to $15,000 Although cremation was widely practiced since the beginning of recorded history, the advent of Emperor Constantine’s legalization of Christianity in 313 A.D. saw earth burials completely replacing cremations. It wasn’t until 1873, when a perfected cremation chamber was displayed at the Vienna Exposition that interest in cremation began anew. Cremation in…

How to Become a Wine Sommelier – Certification & Training Prices & Cost

Ballpark Estimate: $5,000 to $20,000 Does the thought of learning all you can about fine wines and tasting all of the different varieties sound like your ideal job? If so, then you may want to consider turning your passion into a career by becoming a sommelier. This enjoyable position, which consists of managing the wine in…

College Admissions Counseling From a Consultant – Prices & Cost

Ballpark Estimate: $1,000 to $40,000 As if the high cost of college tuition isn’t enough these days, consider the fact that some parents are also investing in the services of a college admissions consultant to increase the odds that their children will be accepted into the school of their choice. A good college admissions consultant really…

How to Become a Certified Flight Instructor – Training Prices & Cost

Ballpark Estimate: $3,000 to $7,500 (Winged aircraft); $4,000 to $11,000 (Helicopter) Are you a commercial pilot with hundreds of hours logged-in flying in stunt shows across the country? Perhaps you’re having a blast and the money’s good, yet you feel something in your career is lacking. Or maybe you think you’re capable of something more challenging than…