How Much Does It Cost to Build a Shed – Prices

Ballpark Estimate: $700 to $3,000

Backyard storage sheds come in all types, sizes and designs. Therefore, what you can expect to spend on this item really depends on exactly what you desire.

Storage Shed

You may be looking for a very basic storage shed to provide some extra space to store seasonal items and tools. This will be the most affordable storage shed option, although it probably won’t be the most attractive. Or perhaps you’d rather add an elegant structure to provide decor and additional living space. More formal storage sheds can easily work as a home office, artist’s studio, guest room and more. The cost for a more finished storage shed like this will be somewhat of an investment but you’ll often get your money back in your increased property value.

Some Options

Do you want to build your own storage shed from scratch? If you have the carpentry skills and tools to handle the job, you might select a simple design that you create yourself, or you might purchase building plans if you want a design that’s more involved. You might also opt for a storage shed kit, which contains the pieces necessary but allows you to do the assembly. The one downside is that a shed kit doesn’t allow much room to tailor the building for your specific needs and usage goals.

The easiest option is to order a prefabricated shed that you can buy off the floor of a home improvement store or seasonal shop or online and have it delivered right to your door.

Types of Materials

Sheds can also be built in a variety of materials, including vinyl, metal and wood, and which one you prefer can affect the shed price. There are also many shed looks and styles to explore. Among the popular choices you can find are Amish, Quaker, Victorian, Dutch and more.

Some of the simplest sheds simply need a gravel base and a level spot where they can be placed. Larger or more elaborate sheds may require a foundation to be built beneath them. These bases are typically made from poured concrete or concrete blocks.

Details and Logistics

When comparing your storage shed prices and options, you’ll need to consider the type of construction you desire and the logistics involved. Other factors to weigh include the type of framing, roofing, siding and windows used. You’ll also need to decide if you want to include electricity and insulation, since these can also greatly impact what you’ll spend on the shed. The overall style of your storage shed also affects the price. The simplest storage sheds look like utility boxes or cabinets while the most elaborate may be custom “mini” houses or barns. Many people settle for something in the middle of the range, adding enough detailing to make the shed look attractive in their yard but keeping the costs in a reasonable range.

If you go with a kit or pre-fabricated storage shed, the quality of the materials and construction can also affect the bottom line. Keep in mind that going with an inexpensive shed may not hold up to the elements over time. Although it can save you money up front, it may not end up being a good buy.

Check for Permits

Before you add a storage shed on your property, you’ll need to check with your municipality to find out if they will allow it. Most cities and towns do require that you apply for a permit in order to add a shed, but sometimes this can depend on the size.

Where to Buy

Once you decide on the type of storage shed you would like, there are a number of places you can shop. If you want to buy a basic shed, home improvement and home goods stores such as Lowes, Home Depot, Target, Kmart, and Sears may have what you desire. You can try specialty shops that sell better wooden furniture and items. You can also do a search for storage shed kits and prefabricated sheds online. There are many websites that have a wide selection of shed information and designs. Some to try include,,, and If you go this route, just be sure to find out the delivery costs. This can be quite high, so you’ll need to add this into the overall price.

Check the Warranty

It’s also a good idea to find out what type of warranty any shed you’re considering comes with, since a storage unit that sits outdoors needs to be strong enough to hold up to inclement weather conditions. If you experience any problems with the durability of your storage shed because the quality is below par, you’ll want to be sure that the seller will stand by its product.

Cost for a Shed

The cost to buy a storage shed will depend on what type you buy. The size, level of detailing and material will all impact your shed price.

While you may have a certain size you’d like your shed to be, for the sake of comparison we’ll assume that the shed is about 10 feet x12 feet or 120 square feet. (Of course smaller and larger options exist. The larger the shed, the higher the price.)

Here are some typical costs to consider for different shed options of this size:

Wood Shed

If you want to purchase a prefabricated wood shed, the cost will fall somewhere between $3,500 and $8,500. On the low end of this scale, you can get a nice basic shed with a window and door and a nice roof, while on the high end, you’ll probably get a shed with extra detailing and a finished interior. In this price range, you might also hire a contractor and pay for the materials to build you a shed to your specifications.

Metal Shed

Metal sheds can serve a similar function as a wood shed, but they can be easier than wood to maintain. On the down side, they are also less appealing to have on your property so you have the weigh the practicality with the aesthetics before you decide what to buy. You might find metal sheds starting at a price of about $400 and going up to $1,000 or more.

Vinyl Shed

A vinyl shed is another popular option. These are also easy to maintain, although they cost more than metal. You can expect these to cost between $1,000 and $3,000 on a decent-sized vinyl shed with a floor. Some of the more expensive sheds are vinyl coated metal, which is easy to care for and extra durable.

You can expect a cost between $400 and $8,500 on a prefab or custom storage shed, depending on what you desire.

(Note that there are also some basic storage bin and cabin sheds that cost less, and also higher-end sheds that cost considerably more.)

DIY Kits

If you’re working with a small budget, you might consider buying a shed kit that comes with everything ready to be put together. On the low end, you can find some vinyl shed kits for a cost between $500 and $1,000, while on the higher end, a wood kit costs about $2,000 and can go up to about $6,000. If you do decide on a shed kit, just be sure to find out if the foundation and roofing shingles are included in the price.

Many shed kits cost from $500 to $6,000, but the price can vary according to the materials and size.

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